「遊ぶ」「創る」「愉しむ」「暮らす」のテーマに沿ったコンセプトの商品を便利さとともにご提案していくリテイルカンパニーです。何よりもお客様のご満足を最優先に、商品開発やサービスの向上をめざして努力し続けます。 【姉妹サイト】 |
●Jellyfish,Ltd Home for Jellyfish and Ofuro no Tanoshimi is the thirtieth floor of the World Business Garden building on Tokyo Bay. In addition to the Ofuro no Tanoshimi product line, Jellyfish sells miniature bonsai, dioramas, and traditional Japanese home kits for modelers, and other lifestyle goods.
●Norio Senko Bio Norio Senko is president of Jellyfish, Ltd., parent company of Ofuro no Tanoshimi (The Art of Bathing), Japan's leading supplier of home soapmaking and natural body care ingredients. Born in 1960, Norio is a diversely experienced businessman. After work as a buyer and sales agent with Seibu Department Stores and Loft (Saison Group), he joined Kadokawa Publishing and, then, Nichimen trading, where he was a general sales manager. During this period, he created Looks, an innovative combined sales catalog and general interest magazine, published by Asukashinsya. He founded his own company, Jellyfish, in 2000.